Jigsaw Trading daytradr

The premiere tool to read order flow and market depth

Jigsaw Trading have created a new trading platform called daytradr. The number 1 reason is the demand. Or rather the amount of times people call and ask if we can support their trading platform. People want the functionality Jigsaw gives them but they want it on their platform.

The biggest advantage for us is that we have no limitations at all when we have our own platform. We don’t have to worry about compatibility with 4 or 5 different platforms when we implement each feature, so the pace at which we can implement cool new stuff will increase.

  • Advanced Depth-of-Market (DOM)
  • Reconstructed Tape
  • Auction Vista order book heatmap
  • Option to connect using a shared CQG data connection

Request your CQG trial enabled for daytradr here:

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